Wednesday, March 24, 2004

So I'd really like some feedback (especially from the Silent Majority of World of Dennis readers) on what posts you like the best and such. Do you like me talking about general stuff, and being all philosophical, or would you rather more stories from my life? It all goes into making things better for you guys...

I went into office hours with my professor today to talk over my developing paper. Is it me, or are office hours extremely weird? I always begin the term looking at the syllabus saying: "This semester I'm really going to get to know all of my professors and we'll become the best of friends." However when it comes down to it this just doesn't happen. I'm always perplexed about what to talk about during the time, and this usually prevents me from going. Even when I do get myself over to talk about some required thing the situation is intense. I don't want to say too much about the subject for fear of revealing that I am actually a moron and haven't listened to one word he has said all semester. I want to be friendly, but I don't want to seem like a kiss up, b/c nobody can stand such people. I want to stay long enough so that it seems I am interested in what he/she has to say, but I don't want to stay too long b/c then that just leads to awkwardness. I am a neurotic basketcase though, so y'all might not have the same laundry-list of concerns. But now I've put them in your head to think about for the next time you go and see a professor. And for that, I am sorry...

My award for the Coolest Spokesman for Gay Marriage goes to Jesse "the Mind" Ventura. The fight for Gay Marriage really needs more people like Jesse "the Mind", who aren't just lawyers or shrill activists, but rather people who are willing to talk toughly and simply about what the real issues are. Jesse, I apologize for scoffing at your governorship and at the idea that a wrestler was the governor of Minnesota. Clearly you have more sense than I thought, as you agree with me =P...

My list of interesting John Kerry VP Candidates:
1.) Fmr. Governor of Texas Ann Richards ("After all, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did...She just did it backwards and in high heels.") She is awesome
2.) William Jefferson Clinton
3.) Jimmy Carter (the most admired ex-pres. ever and could step in when needed)
4.) Oprah
5.) John McCain (obviously)
6.) Colin Powell (you know he's just itchin to do it)

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