Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Another night of work, another baseball game, another blog entry.

I'm just not going to comment on the game or anything. I'll save my commentary for tomorrow night when the Red Sox are either going to the World Series or going home.

For now a facebook message I just sent:
From: Dennis Reardon (BU)
To: Dennis Reardon (BC)
Subject: From the Other Dennis Reardon

So one day a few years ago I went to register at a hospital for a test of some sort, and I claimed that I hadn't been there before. The nurse looked at me puzzled and asked me if my name was Dennis Reardon and I said "yes" and asked me if I was born on August 9th 1984 and I said yes. But then she brought up names for my father and mother that weren't accurate. So, it seemed, there were two Dennis Reardons with the same birthday living in Massachusetts.
But it gets weirder....
When I was a senior in High School I went to interview for Swarthmore with a teacher from Milton Academy. I told that exact story and her eyes perked up and told me that she too knew a Dennis Reardon, who was about my age, and going to Milton Academy. Life is strange sometimes.
So I must ask you....Are you this very same Dennis Reardon?
And if so....Isn't it fucked up?

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