Wednesday, September 08, 2004

John McCain and Colin Powell are douchebags.

There, I said it. I have grown increasingly frustrated with people who claim that somehow John McCain and Colin Powell are any better than George Bush, and that though they might be Republicans, they secretly wish that better policies could be put in place for the United States. However, facts are facts and no matter how much we may wish they secretly are on our side, the fact is that for whatever reason that have chosen to stand with the George Bush, whose policies have led to over a thousand American deaths in Iraq, hatred abroad, and increasing division over social issues at home. In my veiw, if they actually do have faith and respect the leadership of George Bush, then politically they are douchebags. If they secretly believe something different and for their own political gain they have kept silent, then they are REAL douchebags of the worst sort. I will not continue to praise, and will never vote for, two people who are either right wingers, like Bush, or political and moral cowards unwilling to use their position of power and influence to help change the world for the better.

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