Sunday, February 29, 2004

People, if I have told you once I have told you a thousand times...don't rent another movie until you rent and watch Annie Hall by Woody Allen. It is quite possibly the funniest and most intelligent movie ever made about human relationships.......

I'm in one of those do something new to shake things up moods. I really feel like I'm waaay too cautious most of the time and should be more adventurous. The problem is of course, finding a good way to be adventurous and finding a way to channel this energy. So if any of you have somethng you've always wanted to try but never could find anyone else to do it with (not sex related....unless you are a cute guy i like =P), now would be a good time to get ahold of me. Also, if any of ya have any suggestions feel free to run 'em by me

Bye for now.......

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