It is strange how the ideas just stopped percolating around the Summer of 2005. Life is funny that way: a special time and place induces us to creative activity, but then the slightest rocking of the boat stops it almost as suddenly as it started. I suppose I have devoted my creative energies to other things at other points: to my column in the Free Press in 2005 and my political blog with Jonathan in 2008, but that leaves a lot of space in between. It's space that I don't have an explanation for except that sometimes life gets busy, sometimes the thoughts don't come easy, and sometimes I'm just too damn lazy.
But enough apologies! I hope to be back for good this time. I can't tell you why I was particularly inspired tonight to write, or why it seems so clear in my head, more than other times, that this attempt will succeed. Neurology tells us that the vast majority of our brain activity takes place in the subconscious mind, and that our conscious mind, which we consider to be the center of our existence, is merely the barely competent manager of the vast subconscious bureaucracy of our neurons. At some point, perhaps tonight down the long, cool, and fast descent down Mass. Ave. or perhaps last night during a dream, a group of brain cells motivated by a stray electrical impulse or the Soul itself conspired to return me to the World of Dennis, and the World of Dennis to you. And so I am just riding this wave of subconscious momentum for as long as it lasts and as long as the ideas keep flowing.
Alas, it is time for me to read and go to bed, but I promise a more substantive post tomorrow.
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