Saturday, August 12, 2006

A New Beginning

Hey all,

I've decided to restart the blog, as forshadowed by the recent post and the return of my blog to the links on my profile. I'm restarting World of Dennis because I once again feel the need to talk about my life. For a while I felt as if I didn't really have anything new to add to the body of thoughts already posted, but now I once again feel as if I do. This was spurred on both by my attempt at starting a blog with Jonathan, and my graduation from college and subsequent move to Washington, DC.

The attempt to start a blog with Jonathan got me thinking about what to put into a post, and I felt like talking about my own life again. I discovered that I missed being able to pour my thoughts and feelings in here, and also having back and forth with people about such things. It's not like I don't have conversations with people about what I'm thinking or feeling at a particular time, but in many instances the constraints of time and awkwardness make it difficult for everyone to know the myriad of things going through my mind any particular week. With a blog it's pretty simple; people can go here whenever they have time and get the cliffnotes version of the inner workings of Dennis. If they have something to add, they can bring it up to me without much awkwardness, because they know the topic is up for discussion.

I also feel that I have more interesting things to say because my life is in transition, much like it was when I started the blog. I've recently packed up my life and moved to Washington DC to work for at least a while. The way I adapt and experience the new city and the new life seems to be at least as interesting a topic as my middle two years of college were. In those years, I was growing and changing into the person I am today. In these years, I may or may not change but I certainly hope that I will grow and have a lot of interesting experiences.

When I ended this blog last summer, it was for a pretty good reason: I had nothing left to add. Looking back on it, it was because I was waiting for an end rather than delving into an experience. During my senior year, I was really between lives. The one I had been living and writing about was in sunset. There was little time to start new things or embark upon new journeys, I thought. So I lived hedonistically. I lived my life as it was, gobbled up all the available pleasures, and made little effort to change things except to prepare for what was beyond graduation.

This is a poor way to live your life. Even if you don't have a blog, it is probably good that you always have something in your life that you could write about. Growth, change, and your experience doing both, is not only interesting to write about, but also good for your soul. When you stop your self examination and self improvement everything stagnates and you lose your ambitions and your dreams, which are the worst things to lose.

So, here's to a new blog and I hope to start posting pretty often, and I hope you guys start leaving me interesting comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've sort of hit on the nose the reason i'm a bit sad to be staying in the Boston area. But i'd take issue with the assertion that nothing was new and interesting and worth writing about last year.

Glad you're writing again... I always enjoyed reading world of dennis.