I should be in bed right now, but after being on an all night paper binge, you really are a little too wired to sleep, so I decided to update my blog. My comment system appears to be down, so if you want to give me feedback, just send an Email to dennisr@bu.edu until I get a new comment system up.
So, I just stopped by the IT lab at around 4am to get my paper printed, and the place was packed. I really find it very funny and a little strange. I sometimes imagine that, at that hour, I should step softly and take care not to upset them or else they'll swarm or something. Sillyness.
So, some people have been asking me about hte story that I had been writing. I'm a little stuck now, as I've begun to wonder where the conflict and the interest will be in the story. Everything I come up with seems so canned or unorginal or sappy. I promise when I come up with something good I'll get the story going again. I also promise to not abandon it, I want to see it through though.
Do you ever wonder if you'll ever feel anything as electric as your first kiss?